NIR Imaging of Oats
The paper “Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging of Fusarium-Damaged Oats (Avena sativa L.)” authored by Selamawit Tekle, Ingrid Måge, Vegard H. Segtnan, and Åsmund Bjørnstad, is published in Cereal Chemistry. Fusarium infection of cereals leads to reduced grain yields, poor seed quality, and pathogen-produced toxins, including deoxynivalenol (DON). In this paper, we examine the use of hyperspectral imaging (HSI) to detect DON in oat kernels.
The feasibility of hyperspectral imaging (HSI) to detect deoxynivalenol (DON) content and Fusarium damage in single oat kernels was investigated. Hyperspectral images of oat kernels from a Fusarium-inoculated nursery were used after visual classification as asymptomatic, mildly damaged, and severely damaged. Uninoculated kernels were included as controls. The average spectrum from each kernel was paired with the reference DON value for the same kernel, and a calibration model was fitted by partial least squares regression (PLSR). To correct for the skewed distribution of DON values and avoid nonlinearities in the model, the DON values were transformed as DON* = [log(DON)]3. The model was optimized by cross-validation, and its prediction performance was validated by predicting DON* values for a separate set of validation kernels. The PLSR model and linear discriminant analysis classification were further used on single-pixel spectra to investigate the spatial distribution of infection in the kernels. There were clear differences between the kernel classes. The first component separated the uninoculated and asymptomatic from the severely damaged kernels. Infected kernels showed higher intensities at 1,925, 2,070, and 2,140 nm, whereas noninfected kernels were dominated by signals at 1,400, 1,626, and 1,850 nm. The DON* values of the validation kernels were estimated by using their average spectra, and the correlation (R) between predicted and measured DON* was 0.8. Our results show that HSI has great potential in detecting Fusarium damage and predicting DON in oats, but it needs more work to develop a model for routine application.
Full citation
Tekle, S., Måge, I., Segtnan, V. H., & Bjørnstad, Å. (2015). Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging of Fusarium- Damaged Oats ( Avena sativa L .). Cereal Chemistry, 92(1), 73–80.
DOI: 10.1094/CCHEM-04-14-0074-R